Monday, March 2, 2009

Another poem i found that i wrote not so long ago

I wrote this the day before I turned 18....


young and foolish i said
teen years, caught up in the fashion, i said
now older and alone i say
fuck it
it was a bad year for me

Boys are more important then girls

Coming from a Portuguese family I understand that boys are consider more important then girls. But when my parents were raised here you would think that America is "suppose" to be equal. well in my case i guess not. i have a little brother who is sixteen and i am 18 and he is allowed to do more things then i can. example, today it has been shitty weather so i wasn't allowed out of the house, understandable. but my little bro gets to go out with his friends who aren't that great of driver in a shitty jeep. as it is i piratically don't have a social life because i go to three different schools. so on a snow day i want to spent it with friends, not home where i am if im not in school(s). my little bro also gets to stay out later then me, wtf is up with that? whatever i will finish county college early and move to California as soon as possible where i will be able to get away from my family and do whatever i want. peace!

Monday, February 16, 2009


Here is a warning, don't be frighten by what i write. It can come of as "emo" stupid laabel, anyway. Please comment, say whatever you feel whether it is nice or mean. I have been through hell and back.

Alone at night... I feel like I died.
Life goes on around me
Feeling left out... And hated
As I cry, my tears burn my face, and a hole in my heart
I am lost, in this life
Not knowing whether to live or die
Wanting to cry my life away, alone
As life goes on around me...
As if I was dead.

When i originally wrote this I was going through a rough time, writing my feelings was the only thing that saved me

Sunday, February 15, 2009

Hey there

Marisa is not actually my real name. it is my alias. I have to protect myself from others because sadly people, including my family, doesn't accept me for who i am. I'm not saying i am gay, which i am not. I am just different from my family and they don't understand me. i am a passionate person, everything i do and say i mean it. My memory is shit because i use to get stoned every day because i couldn't handle depression sober and my family didn't understand what i was going through. As you can guess my family doesn't know much about me. They don't know that i drink and smoke when I'm down. that i have had sex, without even being in a relationship. i just need someone to understand where i have been because even my closest friends don't get it. this is a lot for a person to say about themselves, but this is who i am. whether people like it or not...